Every person is a natural wonder: deep, multifaceted, and vibrant. Every person also comes with an expiration date. With so much possibility but so little time, your life should not be something you need a break from. That's what No Vacation Required is all about. It's a philosophy for fulfillment – one that is centered on building a deliberate and designed life, rid of others’ expectations, rooted in self discovery, and rich with purpose.
Why do so many of us buy into soul crushing practices like adhering to cookie-cutter definitions of success and deferring fulfillment?
That question is what prompted us to get started on this journey. Instead of clinging to group think-y ideas of success and holding out for the illusive “someday,” we made a committed decision to eschew templated notions of success and live with intention and purpose every day.
Now, for more than 15 years, we've been working with individuals and organizations all over the world to help them embrace this philosophy. As strategists specializing in change and growth initiatives, we aim to help people to Figure Out You and workgroups to Stop Hating Mondays.